Two weeks down and like 10 to go or something but that's just for the challenge. I see no reason to quit this routine once the challenge ends. I wouldn't really consider this a diet, or rather may consider this a diet more than any
fad diet as I am not starving or consuming massive amounts of protein and depriving myself of carbs and I can really see myself living my life this way on a more permanent level.
So what can be said for the workout portion? I love it! The weight training is great and I am really starting to see a change. For anyone who ever thought that weight training wasn't for them or didn't work, I can speak from experience when I say that you either weren't doing it properly or not lifting enough weight. If you're not straining to get that last rep up then that's not enough weight for you. I'll be honest, for me, weights suck in the beginning- getting used to new exercises, using muscles that you feel as if you never knew you had, and the soreness! Once you get into your routine, the soreness is nice as it gives you piece of mind that you are really doing something and it's never as bad as the first couple of weeks.
This whole free day thing is getting to be less and less important (we'll see what I'm saying around week 6) I mean, I guess it's cool to eat what you want but it's not cool to feel like crap even when you don't overindulge.
So, let's see what have I learned this week?
- Creatine really works and is still not a steroid.
- Forgetting your bag that holds your change of (work) clothes for the day may hinder or (in my case) suspend your morning workout.
- This program is really for anyone. (consult your doctor if you have legitimate medical problems that don't include hypochondria, laziness or wussititis)
- I don't think that protein bars agree with me.
- Dumbbell lunges don't suck as bad as they did last week but I'm still not in love with them.
- Cycling (for exercise not commuting) in 32 degree weather is a hell of a lot harder than running in 20 degree weather. If I keep that up I'll have to wear goretex gloves and invest in a mask of some sort.
- It's kind of hard to write this when my cat won't get off of my lap.
Favorite week 2 foods:
Turkey Chili
Turkey Sammich on wheat with lettuce, dijon, lowfat mayo, pickles, onions, pepperoncinis, and a little part skim mozzarella
Chocolate-Raspberry-Peanut Butter shake
Orange cream-sickle post workout Whey Protein Shake
Costco Fuji Apple (the best ever!) with Cottage Cheese
Protein Pancakes
So the saga continues, I feel good and plan on trying some new grub this week so we'll see how that goes. Thus far, I've lost around 6 lbs and an two inches from my waist. I'm down to only a couple of pairs of pants that don't completely try to slide off my ass every five seconds and all my long sleeve shirts are continue to grow closer to the 3/4 sleeve mark but fortunately all jackets still fit. I'm trying to hold off on buying any clothes until this challenge is over so we'll see how long I can hold out.